Worlds Fastest Pianist
Worlds Best Pianist
Worlds Smart Pianist
2454 Notes in One Minute
Multiple Degrees in Music
47 Notes in One Second
Highrange Music Maestro
We are ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015 Certified
Why Choose Us?
Music has no fatherland, its homeland is the whole Universe
Contact UsThe Benefits of Learning Music
There are a number of benefits of Learning Music :
– It improves academic skills.
– It develops physical skills.
– It cultivates social skills.
– It refines discipline and patience.
– It boosts self-esteem.
Reach Us
School Address
AkR’s classic ,
Building No 4-03-02,
1st Floor, S.C.B ward no 4,
Sarvasukhi colony ,
West Marredpally,
+91 9849270761